Monthly Archives: July 2020

Solitary.. but not lonely

With time I have realised the importance of living alone. How being surrounded by no one but only with your own self, your thoughts, your attributes contributes to your overall personality development and shape your thoughts and the way you perceive things.

I was always been surrounded by friends, roommates, family, colleagues, and who doesn’t like the company your loved ones, so I was loving my time. Due to some changes in my life, job and place for the last 6 months, I was spending most of the time on my own and for the first time in life I enjoyed my own company as well.

I am a very chatty person, those who know me well also know that how much I like to talk, have meaning full conversations, my brother in law always make fun of me by saying only you have the capability to chat with your own self cause you never stop talking and because of my love for chatting, talking I was kind of always scared of being alone.

Earlier I used to skip meals if my office friends were not there, I never liked eating out alone, or while travelling in a cab or metro I had to call my friends or family so as to not to feel lonely, i never liked walking alone, for a small walk to withdraw cash, to buy groceries, or any other activity either i was always on call or was net surfing. Because of being surrounded by someone or the other all the time my thoughts, my perception was not my own, it was always cluttered with the opinions of others.

My decision of staying alone due to changing circumstances has helped me to evolve me as a better person. I am not judging people as per the judgment passed by others, now I have my own perspective, I see things differently, I take my own time to react to any situation, I go for the larger picture than simply passing judgement on what is visible to me. I am not saying one needs to stay alone but we definitely need to spend some time on our own and enjoy our own company and do whatever we like be it reading, watching web series, or not doing anything but just sipping tea or coffee, anything. To conquer the ocean of thoughts that our human brain contains we need to give some me time to this brain and to our lives, Practice Solitude.

Now that timid girl who was not even able to eat alone can travel the world all alone 🙂 But I am waiting for the COVID vaccine to get developed.